Holbein Artists’ Oil Color

Holbein Artists’ Oil Color

Holbein Artists’ Oil Color is one of the most carefully developed product made by the Japanese company. Made out of the purest color pigments available in the world, and manufactured to the highest quality control standards in the industry, these colors are used by many professional artists who understand the importance of using a superior quality oil color.

The product is available in 145 different colors that come inside 40, and 20ml tubes, while the whole range is adapted to the Munsell Color Standard for hue, value and chroma. Additionally, there are seven different whites (330ml), four foundation colors (in 110ml), and eleven transparent glazing colors (20ml). All of these comprise a colorful tool set that offers great layering, glazing, and painting capacity. All colors are ground up from five to ten times, to achieve a uniform viscosity and color consistency.

Product Pros & Cons

Artist Likes

  • Superior quality, consistency, and flow
  • Great hue and viscosity
  • Remains soft when used in colder weather
  • Because it’s heavily pigmented, it lasts longer
  • Colors blend very nicely

Artist Dislikes

  • Price is a bit too high
  • Tube may fail and split open in some cases
  • Some colors go black after five years of time

Most painters like the smooth feel of Holbein’s Artists’ Oil Color and find them to be among the best in the market. The color pigment consistency, the smooth flow, and the ability to use them in landscape painting are the things that make them stand out against competition. However, there are some complaints on certain colors like the Cadmium Maroon that goes black after five years which makes it unsuitable for use in professional work. Some artists report splitting open of the tube after the color on the top got hard and stuck.

Final Considerations

Conclusively, we can safely say that this product is one of the best oil colors in the world. This has been proven through the work of many artists who carefully chose Holbein oil paint for their creation. That said, the price may be a bit too high for amateurs and novices, but still, if you’re going for the creation of something that has to be top notch, you will love these paints.

Holbein Oil Paint Colors