Canson Mi-Teintes

Canson Mi-Teintes

Canson Mi-Teintes are maybe the most renowned colored papers in the world. Available in more than 50 different colors and various size formats, these papers boast a wide range of options for the artist. The colors are added in the paper pulp which makes them light-resistant and ensures a long life. Add to that the high cotton content (over 50%), the mould-resistant treatment, and the ISO 9706 compliance, and you get the full picture for this paper’s durability in general.

Each side of the Canson Mi-Teintes features a different texture, namely a honeycombed side and a fine-grain side. The honeycombed side resembles the surface of a vellum, while its gelatin contents limit the absorption of color pigments which results in a better color depiction in overall. The recommended art techniques for the Mi-Teintes include pastel, charcoal, sanguine, pencil, watercolors, gouache, and even handicrafts.

Product Pros & Cons

Artist Likes

  • Wide product variety and color range
  • High levels of durability
  • Unique surface options
  • Versatile paper that is suitable for many different uses
  • Thick and sturdy enough for erasing / re-working
  • Good color blending performance
  • Reasonably priced

Artist Dislikes

  • You’ll have to sand the paper yourself if you need extra smoothness
  • Some find that the underlying color fades after some time

Most artists find the versatility of this colored paper to be unique in the market. The surface options and its general durability makes it ideal for use in education, but it is also well-suited for use by professionals nonetheless. The color blending capacity, and the ability to re-work a certain point without the danger of tearing is characteristic for this paper. The only complaints come from users who need extra smoothed paper tooth, so they need to sand the paper. Moreover, some report gradual fading of the paper’s color after a period of time.

Final Considerations

In general, Canson Mi-Teintes is considered to be the best colored paper in the world. That is the result of high quality engineering in production, expertise, and decades of development. Considering the reasonable price of these papers, there’s nothing to hold an artist from buying this product. The only reason not to is if you’re looking for an extra-smooth surface that holds little color at each passing. Besides that, it’s perfect for schools and art education institutes, charcoal, and pencil artists.